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...and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one flesh (Mark 10:8).
JESUS IS PLEADING WITH YOU NOT TO SKIP THIS | Powerful Miracle Prayer For Blessings And Miracles
JESUS IS PLEADING WITH YOU NOT TO SKIP THIS | Powerful Miracle Prayer For Blessings And Miracles

Heavenly Father,
Today, I humbly come before your throne of grace, recognizing my need for your presence in my life. I ask that you fill me with the power of your Holy Spirit. As stated in Acts, chapter and verse, you have promised that those who receive the Holy Ghost shall be empowered to be witnesses for you, not only in their immediate surroundings but throughout the entire world.
Lord, I earnestly request a fresh infilling of your Holy Spirit. Let the fire of your Spirit ignite within me today, bringing forth a renewed passion and power. I rely on your strength, Jesus, to help me overcome every fleshly manifestation of sin through the Holy Spirit`s enabling.
Connect me, O Lord, to the immeasurable power of your Spirit, which operates in the mighty name of Jesus. Kindle in me the fire of love, an expression of the Holy Spirit`s work. I command the fire of the Holy Spirit to consume anything within me that opposes your will for my life.
Lord, I ask that you destroy the spiritual poverty that has plagued my life through the power of the Holy Spirit. I invoke the Holy Spirit`s authority to shield me from every satanic influence and opinion that seeks to harm me.
Restore my wholeness, Father, by the power of your Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit, I pray for an increase of your presence in my life, that I may clearly discern your voice when you speak to me. Just as you empowered your disciples in the book of Acts with the Holy Spirit and power to perform great miracles, I ask for the same empowerment to bring glory to your name.
Grant me, Lord, the enabling of your Spirit to live a life of holiness and righteousness. I acknowledge that I cannot achieve righteousness on my own, for the strength of human effort will always fall short. It is only through the power of your Holy Spirit that I can lead a godly life.
In the name of Jesus, I invoke your power to heal every sickness and cast out every evil influence within me. Holy Spirit, I ask for your guidance and enablement as I approach you in prayer. Heal every wounded area of my life, ignite a holy fire within me, and increase my hunger for heavenly things.
Fill me with your peace and joy as I place my trust in you. Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of all your faithful followers and ignite in me the fire of your love.
Heavenly Father,
I beseech you to destroy every wicked plan that the enemy has devised against my life. Your word in Jeremiah, chapter and verse 22, reminds us to fear and tremble in your presence. You have established boundaries for the sea, preventing it from crossing over. Though the waves may toss and roar, they cannot prevail. I implore you, Lord, to prevent my enemies from prevailing over me. Block all their evil plots against my life.
Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, I command every evil arrow fired against me to be returned to its source. Place your shield of protection around me and let your holy fire consume all their evil plans and attacks. I declare that my prayers have become earthquakes and storms in the camp of the devil that opposes my life. Gather your heavenly armor against the powers that stand against me in Jesus` name.
I break every evil chain that connects me to the enemy in the mighty name of Jesus. Preserve my life from the fear instilled by the wicked. I speak freedom, healing, deliverance, and breakthrough into my life. By the power of the almighty God, I declare that I am a spellbreaker. No curses running through my bloodline can stand against the blood of Jesus.
I tear down everything that the enemy has taken from me and bind every force that seeks to infiltrate my
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