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...and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one flesh (Mark 10:8).
God Will Give You A Healing Miracle If You Watch This Now | Powerful Miracle Prayer For Healing
God Will Give You A Healing Miracle If You Watch This Now | Powerful Miracle Prayer For Healing
Dear Heavenly Father,

I come to you today seeking protection from my guardian angel against all evil. As your word states, you have given your angels charge over me to carry me in their arms so that I don`t stumble. I refuse to be a victim of any evil circumstances, and I command the angel of the Most High God to destroy every plan and agenda of the evil one that aims to frustrate my life. I pray that the Spirit of God Almighty that quickens the mortal body comes upon me, and I will be alert of any evil or danger that may come my way.

Lord, I ask that your angels surround me and grant me protection in the mighty name of Jesus. We live in such evil days, so I pray against all evil activities that are being done in secret, which are designed to harm or destroy me. Let your angels guide me and bring the attacks of the wicked to nothing and foil all their evil plans and purposes.

Thank you for the spiritual armor that is mine in Christ Jesus. I pray that every moment of the day, I may be covered by great angelic wings that you have provided for all who have trusted in Christ as their savior. I stand firm through prayer and praise in the evil day and be alert with all perseverance. I am encamped by angels that walk alongside me and all around me, delivering me from evil arrows fired by the enemy.

As Psalm chapter verse says, the angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and he delivers them. Let your angels watch over me day and night, causing them to clear every path I tread from danger and anything that will harm me. As Acts chapter verse to tells me, for this very night, an angel of the God whom I belong to and whom I serve stood before me saying, "Do not be afraid."

Lord, I thank you for the gift of life, for always being there for me, for your care, love, and grace upon my life. I come before you with my family and loved ones, asking that you defend us against any spiritual attack, protect us from the flaming arrows of the evil one, be our shield and covering, and hide us in your secret place. Let your blood make us untouchable.

I cancel any plans of the enemy assigned against my family and me in the name of Jesus. Whenever our enemies come together to plot something evil against us, set confusion amongst them, and let them never succeed in planning anything concerning our lives.

Lord Jesus, you said in your word in Psalms chapter verse 1 and 2 that you are our light and our salvation, whom shall we fear? You are the strength of our life, of whom shall we be afraid? When the wicked, even our enemies and foes, come upon us to eat our flesh, they would stumble and fall.

Lord, I know you will always protect us because you are our light and our salvation, and you will always be there for us because you are the strength of our lives. Let your Holy Spirit encircle our lives day and night, be our solid rock, for we have no other one but you, Lord. Still our hearts and calm our fear, for I know you have already kept us safe under your secret tabernacle, and if you are for us, no one can be against us.

I thank you for your protection upon our lives, and I thank you for answering our prayer in Jesus` name. Amen.

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